How to Use Call-to-Actions for Investor Relations
There are so many ways companies can develop a relationship with their clientele while using a website, both for current and prospective clients. One of the most used tactics of bridging communication between a company that is selling products and their potential investors is building the option for Call-to-Actions or CTAs.
CTAs can work as catalysts to getting potential investors up and running towards your company. If you’re wondering what CTAs are and how they work, keep reading.
What are Call-to-Actions?
Call-to-Actions or CTAs work great as they help viewers move fluidly through the variety of content available on your site. For a public company, it’s not feasible to direct every potential investor to the essential pages on your website. CTAs help in this regard and much more.
Mining Companies making the best of Call-to-Actions for Investor Relations
There are several ways you can go about making the best use of your CTAs. We have listed below five ways you can consider to enhance your CTA options for your website.
Mining companies are making good use of websites in their quest to find committed investors. Examples of mining companies making a point to have great Call-to-Actions are mentioned below, along with pointers regarding CTAs.
1. The option to join a mailing list
The CTA on your website for your email signup needs to indicate what the subscriber will be receiving precisely. The ‘Subscribe’ button works great; think about including a quick sentence below the ‘Subscribe’ option that mentions what to expect from the emails. Keep in mind that many investors would instead not sign up if they get the feeling they’ll receive many emails. Still, they probably would not mind receiving an annual briefing or report.
The mining websites Explor Resources Inc., First Majestic and GFG Resources Inc. all allow for viewers to subscribe to their mailing list from their Contact Us section.
2. Make sure to highlight investor opportunities
Directing viewers to “Watch Our Corporate Video” and is another excellent way to make sure you get a hold of potential investors. The fact that viewers can click on a button and watch a video highlighting potential investments is an excellent way to market your company as well. You can include crucial aspects regarding your company or your annual review and feature them with a CTA button. This option will also lead users to other pages on your site.
An example of a mining company highlighting their investment opportunity is the Core Gold Inc. They include videos showcasing the work they cover in Ecuador as well as ongoing projects. Videos allow viewers to engage without much effort.

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3. Follow option on social media
Your CTA will be incomplete if you don’t include an option to follow your page on social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or YouTube. Including direct links to social media platforms is the best way to go about this CTA. This way, viewers can follow you with a simple click. Never underestimate the importance of linking different platforms.
Mining websites such as UEX Corporation, Fenix Project and Pacific Rim Cobalt allow users to access their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn pages from their homepage. The respective mining company’s social media accounts enable their followers to stay updated effortlessly.
4. The option to contact IR
A company’s investor section features much information. It may not be straightforward for users to explore and seek out the information they are looking for on an IR page. Having a CTA that allows the user to connect with an IR contact so that the user can ask further questions regarding investment or general information, is a wonderful CTA option.
5. Showcase any events or functions
Incorporating an ‘Add to Calendar’ is a great way to make sure reminders get sent to prospective clients regarding any events your company may be showcasing. This option allows for their personal calendar to be reminded with the exact date and time prior to the event. Calendar reminders are reliable to ensure people will remain aware of any upcoming events your company will attend.
CTAs get better over time
Overall, improving your CTAs, as with everything else, gets better over time and experience with different viewers and clientele.
Grace oBrien
Grace is a writer at Neumarkets. She's a single mother and spends most of her time travelling with her daughter and her laptop. Travel opens up a new world to her and she embraces knowledge from every corner. See all of Grace's posts here.